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The table in annex I briefly outlines the main activities of the ASPA. It shows each component, highlights objectively verifiable indicators for each activity1, and indicates the sources or means of verification for sound monitoring of ASPA implementation.

This is the sole reference document for the programming of AFRISTAT activities for the period 2006-2010. Due to its flexible nature, annual activities will be programmed on a rolling basis that is, activities programmed for a given year and not implemented in the said year, for any reason whatsoever, will be programmed for the subsequent year. In addition, the incorporation of activities into an annual plan of action will be based on the following criteria:

  • a high level of technical preparation of the activity or project ;
  • availability of funds for implementing the activity ;
  • existence at AFRISTAT of the requisite expertise for implementing the activity or guarantee to use external experts, if necessary ;
  • respect of the principle of subsidiarity.

The consideration of progress reports, in particular, the implementation of ensuing recommendations will facilitate the formulation of these annual plans of action to be submitted to the AFRISTAT Scientific Board and Board of Directors for approval and adoption respectively. Related annual budgets will be proposed during the formulation of these plans. The template for annual plans of action will be standardized to track progress in implementation more easily and adequately. For each activity adopted, the plan of action will include:

  • the expected output;
  • the human resources required for implementing that activity;
  • costing; and,
  • funding sources.

1In fact, this generally comprises a set of activities which will be divided into sub-activities ou specific activties in the annual plans of action and/or annual work programmes of AFRISTAT staff members.

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4.6. Component VI: strengthening AFRISTAT's operational resources Table of contents 5 Cost of the ASPA