Previous  4.4. Component IV: support to strengthening statistical dissemination capacities  Next

The general objective of this component is to provide technical support and assistance to national statistical systems for developing frames and providing them with methods and tools for the enhanced dissemination of survey findings. The activities to be implemented are detailed below.

General objective IV:   Provide technical support and assistance to national statistical systems for developing frames as well as disseminating statistical data, and provide statistical methods and tools

Specific objective 10:   Provide support to States for ownership of classifications and mastering available statistical software
Outcome 10.1:   NSS are informed and aware of how to use and apply basic principles of statistics as well as the main international frameworks and methodologies for producing statistical data
Activity 10.1.1:  Literature review on methodology
Activity 10.1.2:  Awareness actions on use and ownership of basic principles of official statistics and methodological frameworks
Outcome 10.2:   NSS have statistical nomenclatures, classifications and software which are tailored to their activities
Activity 10.2.1:   Inventory and promotion of statistical classifications and software
Activity 10.2.2:  Regular monitoring of the development of these classifications and software, information of NSS and dissemination of updates
Activity 10.2.3:  Revision of NAEMA and NOPEMA
Specific objective 11:   Provide support to NSS for setting up centralized socio-economic data bases, archive household survey data and develop geographic information systems
Outcome 11.1:   Each Member State has a centralized socio-economic data base and survey data bank
Activity 11.1.1:  Support to States in selecting methodologies for developing data bases
Activity 11.1.2:  Support to States in identifying data sources
Activity 11.1.3:  Support to States in development of survey data banks (data collection and capture)
Activity 11.1.4:   Train managers of national data bases and banks
Outcome 11.2:   NSS senior staff are trained in data storage
Activity 11.2.0:   Organisation of training workshops on storage techniques
Outcome 11.3:   Each State has a Geographic Information System (GIS) for appropriate socio-economic data dissemination
Activity 11.3.1:   Support to States in making methodological choices for GIS development
Activity 11.3.2:  Training of national staff
Activity 11.3.3:  Support to GIS development

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4.3. Component III: support to the strengthening of data collection, processing and analysis capacities and compilation of statistical and economic reports Table of contents 4.5. Component V: applied research for the development of methodologies tailored to NSS of member States