Previous  4.1. Component I: strengthening the institutional capacities of member States and sub-regional integration institutions in the organisation of statistical systems  Next

The general objective of this component is to provide support and technical assistance to national statistics systems in respect of institutional organisation, design of statistical development and statistical training. Actions targeting Member States will also seek to supplement those of sub-regional economic integration institutions in this sphere.

In a bid to develop their capacities and better respond to an increasing and diversified demand for statistical data, NSS should improve on their working conditions not only in terms of institutional organisation, but also in routine management.

AFRISTAT will enhance its assistance to States in the following domains:

  • revision and/or preparation of draft instruments on the organisation of statistics;
  • design or revision of national statistical development strategies;
  • design of tools for managing statistical services ;
  • search for external financing opportunities for statistical activities.

One of the main activities will be to regularly inform NSS of existing methodological frameworks and software for collecting and processing statistics as well as to organize, as often as possible, information workshops and refresher courses on these tools, in collaboration with partners.

NSS capacity building through continued training of national staff will be a priority. AFRISTAT should participate more frequently in the activities of statistical training centres. It is thus envisaged that a partnership will be established with schools of statistics in Abidjan, Dakar and Yaounde, which currently train most senior statisticians of NSS; the partnership will cover various issues such as funding some courses and/or jointly organizing seminars and hosting trainees. Similarly, there will be closer relations between AFRISTAT and sub-regional integration institutions. The partnership between AFRISTAT, statistical training centres and sub-regional integration institutions should ultimately lead to the design and implementation of a regional policy for statistical training, notably, continued training.

Lastly, in this component, activities for the period 2006-2010 are presented below by expected outcome under each specific objective.

General Objective I:   Provide technical support and assistance to national statistical systems and sub-regional institutions for institutional organisation, designing statistical development strategies and for training in statistics

Specific objective I:   Assist NSS to improve the organisation and coordination of their activities, and support them in fundraising
Outcome 1.1:   Support is provided to NSS for drafting or revising basic instruments to organize statistical activities
Activity 1.1.1:  Updating the general review of the institutional organisation of NSS
Activity 1.1.2:  Support to the drafting of basic instruments organizing NSS
Activity 1.1.3:  Holding of seminars on NSS institutional organisation
Outcome 1.2:   Support is provided to NSS for the formulation or reform of national statistical development strategies or programmes
Activity 1.2.1:  Support to the formulation or reform of national statistical development strategies or programmes
Activity 1.2.2:  Holding of seminars to examine national statistical development strategies or programmes
Outcome 1.3:   Cooperation and partnership ties are developed with statistical training centres
Activity 1.3.1:   Organisation of workshops, seminars and courses at the request of schools
Activity 1.3.2:  Attendance at statutory meetings of each partner
Activity 1.3.3:   Hosting of trainees
Activity 1.3.2:  Participation of lecturers in AFRISTAT’s applied research programmes
Outcome 1.4:   Information on financing opportunities and procedures of technical and financial partners are compiled and Previoused to NSS
Activity 1.4.0:  Compilation and channelling to NSS of information on opportunities and procedures of TFPs
Specific objective II:   Provide support to NSO of Member States for the design and implementation of communication strategies
Outcome 2.1:   Support is provided to NSO for the design and implementation of their communication strategies on statistics
Activity 2.1.1:  Support to designing the communication strategy
Activity 2.1.2:  Support to developing communication mediums
Activity 2.1.3:  Support to disseminating NSS findings
Outcome 2.2:   Support is provided to Member States for creation and/or revival of their documentation centres
Activity 2.2.1:  Enhancing the documentary holding of NSO
Activity 2.2.2:   Installing documentary data bases in NSO
Activity 2.2.3:  Training information officers of NSO on managing documentary data bases
Activity 2.2.4:   Maintaining support to website management
Specific objective III:   Contribute to the development of initial and continued training programmes in statistics in Member States
Outcome 3.1:   Support for initial training is provided to statistical training centres (ENSEA, ISSEA, DSD/ENEA)
Activity 3.1.1:  Participation in designing training modules on the initiative of schools
Activity 3.1.2:  Courses delivered by AFRISTAT experts at the request of schools
Activity 3.1.3:  Joint-organisation of training workshops and seminars in schools at their request
Activity 3.1.4:   Supervision of trainees from statistical training centres
Activity 3.1.5:  Participation in preparatory arrangements for the competitive entrance examination into schools of statistics
Outcome 3.2:   A regional continued training plan is prepared and implemented
Activity 3.2.1:  Design of a regional continued training plan
Activity 3.2.2:  Preparation of training modules in collaboration with schools
Activity 3.2.3:  Regular identification of training programmes (programmes and specialized centres) and dissemination to States
Activity 3.2.4:  Organisation of training seminars in various fields
Specific objective IV:   Develop partnership with sub-regional economic integration institutions
Outcome 4.0:   Partnership between AFRISTAT and sub-regional economic integration institutions is strengthened
Activity 4.0.1:  Formalizing collaboration frameworks with sub-regional economic integration institutions (ECOWAS, WAEMU, CEMAC, etc.)
Activity 4.0.2:   Implementing joint actions for statistical development within the States concerned

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4. ASPA structure and logical framework Table of contents 4.2. Component II: support to the development of information systems for implementing, monitoring and evaluating poverty reduction strategies and MDG