Previous  4.2. Component II: support to the development of information systems for implementing, monitoring and evaluating poverty reduction strategies and MDG  Next

The general objective of this component is to provide States with support for developing information systems to implement, monitor and evaluate poverty reduction strategies and Millennium Development Goals.

Three specific objectives will be pursued under this component:

  • to participate in designing cost-effective methodologies for collecting and processing demographic data from surveys and censuses, including civil status, and assisting Member States in their implementation;
  • to provide support to NSS in developing information systems to monitor sectoral strategies (employment, education, health and rural development, etc.);
  • to assist Member Sates in developing operational information systems to monitor and evaluate PRSPs and MDGs.

The activities to be implemented are listed below.

General objective II:   Provide support to States in developing information systems to implement, monitor and evaluate poverty reduction strategies and Millennium Development Goals.

Specific objective 5:   Participate in the design of cost-effective methodologies for collecting and processing demographic data from surveys and censuses, including civil status, and assisting Member States in their implementation
Outcome 5.1:   Support provided to States preparing population censuses
Activity 5.1.1:  Participation of AFRISTAT in preparing the 2010 census round
Activity 5.1.2:  Popularizing manuals and guides on population census
Activity 5.1.3:  Organizing seminars and workshops on the pratice of population census
Activity 5.1.4:  Providing technical support to States for organizing population censuses
Outcome 5.2:   Support to States for collecting civil status data
Activity 5.2.1:  Popularizing manuals and guides on the use of civil status data
Activity 5.2.2:  Organizing seminars and workshops on the use of civil status data
Activity 5.2.3:  Providing technical support to States on the use of civil status data
Specific objective 6:   Provide support to NSS for developing information systems to monitor sectoral strategies (employment, education, health and rural development , etc.)
Outcome 6.1:   Support is provided for developing and implementing appropriate monitoring mechanisms for sectoral strategies in Member States
Activity 6.1.1:  Advocacy for improving socio-demographic (labour market, education, health, etc.) and rural development statistical information systems, in conjunction with relevant international organisations
Activity 6.1.2:  Establishing networks of sub-regional and regional institutions dealing with socio-demographic (labour market, education, health, etc.) and poverty-related rural development statistics
Outcome 6.2:   Common methodological frameworks for the collection of sectoral statistics (employment, education, health and rural developpement) are designed with Member State participation
Activity 6.2.1:  Reviewing of international best pratices and comparisons
Activity 6.2.2:   Harmonizing data collection tools and instruments for measuring indicators
Activity 6.2.3:   Support to the collection of social statistics
Activity 6.2.4:   Organizing training workshops and awareness campaigns using advocacy tools for socio-demographic statistics (labour market, education, health, etc.) and rural development information systems
Outcome 6.3:   Support is provided to NSS to build their capacities to analyze socio-demographic (labour market, education, health, etc.) and rural development statistics
Activity 6.3.1:  Preparing a directory of data sources
Activity 6.3.2:  Designing methodological frameworks for data processing and analysis
Activity 6.3.3:  Designing training modules
Activity 6.3.4:  Organizing training workshops and awareness campaigns using advocacy tools for socio-demographic statistics (labour market, education, health, etc.) and rural development information systems
Specific objective 7:   Support Member States to develop operational information systems to monitor and evaluate PRSPs and MDGs
Outcome 7.1:   The Reference Framework and Common minimum methodological tool for monitoring PRSPs and MDGs are implemented. Support is provided to Member States for designing their poverty reduction strategy monitoring and evaluation information systems.
Activity 7.1.1:  Identifying the PRSP and MDG monitoring and evaluation needs for each Member State concerned
Activity 7.1.2:  Conducting an information system review in each supported State
Activity 7.1.3:  Validating the information system and proposed data base architecture of each supported State
Activity 7.1.4:   Introducing a decentralized approach to poverty reduction information systems (based on the GIS) through a poverty map
Outcome 7.2:   Support to requesting Member States for the operational implementation of three information sub-systems for monitoring poverty reduction strategies through a national stakeholder network of data collecton, processing and analysis
Activity 7.2.1:   Support to the time-bound implementation of the sub-system for monitoring poverty and household living conditions
Activity 7.2.2:  Support to the implementation of a sub-system for monitoring policy, programme and project follow-up by strategic sector
Activity 7.2.3:  Support to the development of an impact assessment sub-system using appropriate methodologies

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4.1. Component I: strengthening the institutional capacities of member States and sub-regional integration institutions in the organisation of statistical systems Table of contents 4.3. Component III: support to the strengthening of data collection, processing and analysis capacities and compilation of statistical and economic reports